Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Room 11's blog

Welcome to Room 11's blog
Earlier in the year, Room 11 learned all about Cars. We investigated the wheel and axle, effort, potential energy and friction. At the end of our topic we all made rubber band cars and balloon cars. Photos show some of the investigations we did.

Joe is helping us to investigate Simple Machines.
Did you know that the wheelbarrow is a very old simple machine? Only a small effort is needed to move a heavy load using a wheelbarrow. The wheel, axle, wedge and lever are all simple machines and important parts of the wheelbarrow. Can you find them all on the wheelbarrow in the picture?


  1. cool pictures room 11. i can't belive Joe can really fit in that wheelbarrow.TANNAH!!!

  2. cool blog room 11.monique!!!

  3. hey room 11
    I miss you so much
    working on brooom broooom
    cars for the entire term anyway
    see you tomorrow at school
    P.S. cool picture room 11
    I !LOVE! it.

  4. hi room 11 whats up

  5. hi there room 11 what u doing

  6. nice pics missing hawera primary
    sarah mobbs

  7. looking good but you need this years class

  8. Hey guys me Tayla, how are you, any way these are good games!
